Oh, the highs and lows of small business.  There isn’t enough room on the internets for the tales of joy and woe we could tell, so we’ll say this: despite the extremities, we couldn’t imagine any other life, and we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished.  On June 1, 2014, we will celebrate five years in small business!

To celebrate Small Business Saturday, we’re offering a FREE Honeybear Beeswax Candle (regular price: $12) with any purchase over $29!

honeybear candle

If you’d like one of these candles — our runaway bestseller in 2013! — just add one to your shopping cart on www.glaciercountyhoney.com.  When you check out, our website will e-mail you an incorrect invoice charging you for the candle.  Wait a little while, and we’ll e-mail you an updated, corrected invoice with credit/debit/check payment options.  If you have any questions, please e-mail sales@glaciercountyhoney.com or call 406-544-2818.

If you have other discount codes, feel free to use those, too.  We appreciate your support more than we can say as we look towards our 5th year.  Shop Small, y’all.

The fine print: must order $29 before other discounts in merchandise.  Offer expires at midnight MST on Small Biz Saturday 2013.  Don’t make Santa mad.  Etc.

2013.  Glacier County Honey Co.  All Rights Reserved.